You know that feeling when you first get up in the morning? That point where you are not quite asleep but not quite awake? That is how I felt for years. Now I feel like I am yawning and stretching. Shaking out the cobwebs in my brain and ready to start a new day.
I am only 50% feeling better. Yet 50% better is unbelievable. I don't feel like the I am living dead anymore. Things are starting to interest me again. I went to the mall today and actually enjoyed shopping. It wasn't such an effort to just be there.
I still have the sleepies and I still lose interest in things. My hands and feet still go numb all the time. Some days I am so very sluggish it isn't funny. I guess time will tell. Once my thyroid is back in balance then I will worry if I still feel the symptoms but for now I am enjoying the fact that I am becoming me again.